Target and Neiman Marcus Webinar
Sajay Rai, C.E.O of Securely Yours LLC recently participated in a webinar on the recent hacks of Target and Neiman Marcus. You can view the recorded version here:
Read MoreHave you downloaded Securely Yours LLC’s Password check app?
How strong is your password? Use Securely Yours LLC’s Password Check app to gauge the strength of your password and help you improve it. This app will rate your password and provide you the estimated time it would take to crack your password with a brute force attack. It will also provide tips to help […]
Read MoreSajay Rai and Edward Napoleon Jr. Present an all-day session on “Cloud Security, Smart Device Security and Protecting Critical Assets” at the Western Michigan ISACA Chapter in Lansing, MI
Cloud Security Mobile Security Safeguarding Critical Assets
Read MoreSajay Rai Presents an all-day session on “Safeguarding Critical Assets” at the Peoria Illinois ISACA Chapter
Safeguarding Critical Assets
Read MoreThe CEO and Founder of Aviva Spectrum, Sonia Luna interviews Sajay Rai, Founder and CEO of Securely Yours LLC
Listen to the interview here!
Read MoreSajay Rai and Philip Chukwuma authored an article “Auditing governance of critical information” published in IIA’s Internal Auditor magazine
Auditing Governance of Critical Information
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